BVS Paraguay BVS Paraguay

Resultados: 11

Revisión de análisis bacteriológicos en hemocultivos en niños de 0 a 10 años, en el Laboratorio de Microbiología de 1990 a 1994

Este es un estudio retrospectivo de corte transversal, descriptivo para determinar la frecuencia de patógenos oportunistas en hemocultivos de niños de 0 a 10 años, analizados en el Departamento de Microbiología del Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Salud. En número total de 58 casos y d...

Aislamiento de bacterias aeróbicas patógenas de secreción conjuntival de niños

The presence of microbial organisms in conjunctival secretions always raises the doubt of whether they are the result of contamination or a real infection. Culture records of conjunctival secretion from children, who attended the Laboratory of Microbiology of the Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias ...

Prevalencia de Streptococcus B hemolíticos en pacientes de alto riesgo para enfermedades de transmisión sexual

Two hundred and fourteen prostitutes from Asunción were examined in order to determine the prevalence of cervical infection by Streptococcus B-hemolytic. The range of age was 18 to 28 years, and 21 percent of them showed Streptococcus infection, and only 30 percent of the isolate resulted sensible to pe...

Estudio microbiológico de una infección causada por un cáteter permanente en un niño

Microbiologic study were done on a sample isolated from the end of a catheter used in a child who had devepoped acute bacterial meningitis after several admissons to hospital. The isolate was identified as Klebsiella pneumoniae which showed a remarkable multiresistance to the most common antibiotics used...

Estudio etiológico de la diarrea bacteriana en niños en Paraguay en 1990

An etiological study of bacterial diarrhea in infants under five years of age in Paraguay from May to July of 1990 was done. Enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) strains of known serogroups were isolate from 35.8 percent of the patients with diarrhea, Salmonella spp. were isolated from 15.1 percent , enteroto...

Estudio etiológico de infección de secrecion endocervical en un grupo de alto riesgo (prostistutas)

In order to determine the incidence and the etiology of the sexually trasnmitted diseaes (STD) 500 women, belonging to a high risk group (prostitutes), were studied from August, 1989 to Octuber 1990, and bacteriological and mycological studied were performed. Also, a questionnaire comprising detailed sex...

Estudio de prevalencia de algunos agentes etiológicos de enfermedades de transmición sexual en mujeres de alto riesgo (prostitutas)

The prevalence of Candida albicans, Neisseria Gonorrhoeae, and trichomonas vaginalis as some of the most important agents of sexually transmditted disease (STD), were studied in 100 women, belonging to a high risk group (protitues). Also a questionnaire were provided, in order to determine the potential...